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Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


An ANR Blanc SIMI 3 Multidimensional Systems: Digression On Stabilities (MSDOS) has started at the beginning of 2014. Its main goal is to constructively study stabilities and stabilization problems of (nonlinear) multidimensional systems. For more details, see . Alban Quadrat is the local leader for Inria Saclay.

Guillaume Sandou is the head of the RISEGrid Institute. The Institute is dedicated to the study, modelling and simulation of smart electric distribution grids and their interactions with the whole electric power system. It is located in Supélec and gathers about 20 people (academic and industrial researchers, PhD students, post-doctoral researchers).

Frédéric Mazenc is member of the Conseil du Laboratoire of Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes (L2S).

Frédéric Mazenc is member of the commission scientifique du CRI Saclay- Ile-de-France.